Grade 12
Seniors continue their focus on post-secondary planning by meeting with counselors individually and in seminars throughout the fall. Counselors again guide students in their use of Naviance to manage the college application process. Toward the conclusion of their high school careers, students are invited to small group luncheons to reflect upon their experiences at Dover Sherborn. Fall seminar topics include:
- utilizing Naviance to manage the college admission process
- interviewing skills
- completing college applications
- transitioning out of high school
Senior College Checklist
Narrow down colleges to a manageable number - about five to seven
Visit each of the colleges to which you will apply
Decide on whether or not you will use the Common Application. ( Review the essay topics, begin to draft your essays, and enter your activities!
Make a chart naming all the colleges to which you will apply and list all application requirements and requests, deadlines, etc. on this chart for handy reference. Note whether or not you intend to use an institutional application or the Common Application. This is important information to share with your counselor.
Pay attention to all deadlines both at the colleges and at the guidance office. See more details below.
Submit your signed Guidance Information Release Form to the guidance department. We are unable to send out your transcripts without this.
Review your transcript and if there are errors, see your counselor.
Update your Common App account if necessary. Pay attention to supplements!! Colleges have said that these are very important.
Complete a resume or activities list and give it to your counselor.
Outline/Draft/Complete your main essay.
Sign up for FALL SAT and/or ACT !!
In Naviance, Under ‘Colleges I’m Applying To’ complete the Common App waiver* and enter your common app username and password. (This will be done in Senior seminars)
Make sure all colleges are added to your Naviance list of ‘Colleges I’m Applying To’. Make sure that your Common App list of colleges matches your Naviance list of colleges (for common app schools).
Below your list of ‘Colleges I’m Applying To’ you will see ‘Teacher Recommendations’ Select your teachers from the list and confirm with teachers regarding your letters of recommendations.
* There is a Privacy Notice (waiver) beneath your list of colleges regarding electronic submission of recommendations and you must either ‘waive’ your right to access or ‘do not waive’ your right to access. Regardless of what you choose, we will still be able to send your forms electronically but you must choose one.
Complete your Student Informational Letter to Counselor in Naviance. (Who Am I)
Meet with your counselor regularly (a first meeting is already scheduled).
November/December for Early Deadlines
Review admissions requirements and application deadlines on the college websites.
Complete Applications fully! (Do not forget the supplements)
Send standardized test scores to colleges via and (They have not been sent unless you use your parents credit card)
Keep Naviance up to date regarding where you are applying. We send transcripts based on what you enter in to Naviance. We cannot see what you have in your Common App account.
Fill out Financial Aid Forms: CSS profile (on and the FAFSA (October).
Thank teachers for their letters of recommendation.
Late Winter/Early Spring
Keep us updated on how things are going and let us know your results!!
Complete the Senior Exit Survey in Naviance by June 1st!
If you are applying to some form of “early action” or “early decision” with a November 1st or November 15th deadline you must complete essential information in Naviance and personally connect with your counselor by the end of September.
If you are applying to a school with a January 1st or January 15th deadline you must complete essential information in Naviance and personally connect with your counselor during the first week of December to guarantee mailing before winter break in December.
If standardized testing is required at the colleges to which you are applying, send your scores well in advance of the colleges’ stated deadlines. Please speak with your counselor about which scores to send and when to send them.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SENDING YOUR STANDARDIZED TESTING SCORES TO THE COLLEGES DIRECTLY FROM EITHER THE COLLEGE BOARD OR ACT. DOVER-SHERBORN DOES NOT SUBMIT YOUR STANDARDIZED TESTING. (Reminder: Standardized testing results are not documented on your high school transcript.) Use the spaces provided for this on your SAT/ACT application or use the “extra score report” option available at
* Remember scores are not sent unless you pay for the service.
When you have completed an application verify and or complete the following BEFORE submitting it to the college/university:
1. Make a copy of your entire application including the common application and keep it in a safe place- just in case…
2. Make sure you have completed any supplemental questions each individual school might request.
3. Make sure that you have paid.
4. Complete all necessary information in your Naviance account.
1. Guiding and reviewing post-secondary plans with every senior during fall of senior year. Preparing descriptive student letter as appropriate
2. Submitting all guidance information to each college as indicated by the student list in Naviance:
a. Common Application Report forms
b. A copy of your high school transcript (with first quarter grades or first semester grades)
c. A copy of your descriptive letter-counselor recommendation
d. A copy of Dover-Sherborn’s School Profile
1. Returning the updated-corrected copy of transcript and necessary forms to your counselor in early September.
2. Notifying your counselor of all deadlines.
3. Attend your senior year appointment with your counselor.
4. Completing essential information in your Naviance account.
5. Connecting with your teacher about the status of his or her recommendation.
6. Completing an activities resume to use during interviews and/or give to your teacher and school counselor.
7. Completing and submitting all college applications and any supplemental materials required.
8. Interviewing at each college where they are suggested, recommended or required.
9. Meeting all testing requirements for each college.
10. Submitting testing scores directly through College Board or ACT. You MUST send.
11. Demonstrating active interest in the colleges to which you are applying by touring, attending college visits at DSHS, and interviewing….active interest matters.
12. Verifying with each college that the college has received all essential pieces of your application BEFORE the college’s stated deadline date!
13. Know if your family plans to file for financial aid and make yourself familiar with the financial aid process and deadlines if necessary.
14. Notify your college of choice that you plan to attend by the May 1st deadline. Students cannot commit to attend more than one college.
15. Completing the Naviance Senior Survey in the spring of senior year. PLEASE NOTE: It is critical to this before June 1st, prior to receiving clearance for graduation. Completing this form provides essential information for the guidance office to submit your final records to the college of your choice.