Registration Forms
Dear Parent/Guardian and New Student:
Welcome to Dover-Sherborn High School. It is incumbent upon the Dover-Sherborn Public Schools to act diligently to ensure that only Dover and Sherborn residents attend the Dover and Sherborn Public Schools. In light of this, we ask your patience and cooperation in supplying the school with the essential documents for registration. The administrative and guidance teams will work hard to make your application and entry process uncomplicated. We take pride in our school system and want your first visit to go smoothly. In order to save you from extra trips to the building, please be aware of the following requirements for admission:
Begin by contacting the High School Guidance Office to schedule a registration appointment and bring the following documentation for review at this appointment:
Each student MUST be accompanied by a parent or legally appointed guardian with whom the student resides.
The parent/guardian must be identifiable in a photographic identification, such as a driver’s license or passport.
A guardian must show legal documents from Family Court authorizing guardianship.
Proof of residence in Dover or Sherborn is required at time of this meeting.
The following are necessary for the process of enrollment to begin:
a. A deed, mortgage, rental agreement, or signed purchase & sales agreement. The purchase and sales agreement must be completed within 60 days or the student will be withdrawn from Dover-Sherborn Regional High School. PLEASE NOTE: A letter from a landlord or relative is NOT an acceptable item of proof.
(If you are not going to be in your residence by the first day of school, you will need to gain permission from
the Superintendent's Office before you can register your student. You will also need to complete the
Non Resident Registration Form and return it to the Superintendent's Office.)
b. Additionally, one of the following is also required:
- Current original gas bill
- Current original oil bill
- Current original electric bill
- Current bank statement, showing Dover/Sherborn address
PLEASE NOTE: A telephone bill is NOT an acceptable item of proof
c. Custodial Agreement pertaining to the student if applicable.
d. An up-to-date health and immunization record must be presented and accepted by the Dover-Sherborn Regional School nurse.
e. A completed Dover-Sherborn Regional High School Disciplinary Registration Form
f. Student’s birth certificate
g. A signed release of access to any additional records/information deemed necessary to the acceptance process. Please arrange for your child’s official school records to be forwarded to the Guidance Office prior to the registration appointment. Please ask the school or schools to include both academic and disciplinary records, include the school’s address, a phone number and the name of the appropriate school contact (such as Principal, Assistant Principal or School Counselor).
PLEASE NOTE: Before we can create a class schedule, we must have opportunity to review your child’s latest school records and results of placement examinations in both mathematics and world language. Please coordinate an appointment time to complete these examinations with the guidance administrative assistant.
After initial registration clearance, a school counselor will be assigned to meet with you and your child. The counselor will review your child’s records and outcomes of his/her placement examinations in order to develop a course program in keeping with Dover-Sherborn’s Program of Studies guidelines and to establish a class schedule. Arrangements will also be coordinated to assist the student during his or her first day of school.
The administration, faculty and staff wish you a successful and enjoyable educational experience at Dover-Sherborn High School. If you have provided all of the above requested information, the registration process should move along quickly. We thank you for cooperating with us in ensuring the continuation of our positive, academically focused, and safe environment. Please contact us with any questions or concerns pertaining to registration requirements.
Ellen Rowley
Director of Guidance
Forms to Complete for Registration: (Please remember to bring all necessary documents)
These forms can be downloaded, completed at home and brought with you during your child’s registration appointment.
- Dover-Sherborn Public School Registration Form
- Health Information and Consents
- English Language Learner Form
- Dover-Sherborn Disciplinary Registration Form
- Release of Records Authorization Form
Materials to Receive at School Entry:
- Program of Studies is available on the DSHS Website
- Student Handbook is available on the DSHS Website
- Federal Aid Eligibility Form (when entering after beginning of school year)
- Extra-Curricular Activities and Sports Information Sheet
- Building Map